Happy birthday roses

What is the best birthday gift? Happy birthday roses are the perfect birthday present! Some birthdays have extra meanings, like turning 18, 30, 50 or 75. These birthdays are, most of the time, memorable itself. Gifts for these birthdays are mostly more significant than ‘normal’ birthdays and have extra meanings because of the particular age. But what to do with all those other ‘normal’ birthdays. You want … Continue reading Happy birthday roses

Silver anniversary rose

Twenty-five years of marriage, a huge accomplishment! Have you and your partner been together for over twenty-five years and now celebrate your silver anniversary? Congratulations! From all of us at World of Roses, we say ‘happy anniversary!’ Now remains the big question, what do you give your partner for this special occasion. You know what your partner adores as an anniversary gift. But what should you … Continue reading Silver anniversary rose

Ruby anniversary gift

Are you looking for a unique ruby anniversary gift? A special occasion like a ruby anniversary is something to be celebrated. Roses are, without a doubt, the most beautiful flower in the world. Why is a rose a unique ruby anniversary gift? This makes sure you will receive the best high-quality roses to make your ruby anniversary unforgettable. Read our tips to give the best ruby … Continue reading Ruby anniversary gift

Roses by post

Have you ever thought of sending roses by post? Probably not. Here at World of Roses, we send the most beautiful roses and deliver the roses securely packed to your doorstep. Choose from the many varieties available on our website. For every possible occasion, we have a unique rose. For anniversary celebrations, birthdays, memorial days, Father’s Day and other events, you can buy a floral rose … Continue reading Roses by post

Pearl anniversary rose

Buy the pearl anniversary rose, the perfect gift to celebrate your 30th wedding anniversary. If you are looking for a special gift that lasts longer than a bunch of flowers, the pearl anniversary rose either potted or bare root is an amazing choice. Year after year it will blossom in the garden as a reminder of this special anniversary. To be married for thirty years is such … Continue reading Pearl anniversary rose

It’s time to get gifting!

It’s that time of year when you may be looking to start your Christmas shopping. Of course you can pre-order a rose for with us for Christmas season delivery, but did you know we also sell a range of complementary home and garden products? It’s time to get gifting! Amaryllis – ‘Red Velvet’ Growing Kit Incredibly popular as winter gifts, Amaryllis, also known as Hippeastrum, … Continue reading It’s time to get gifting!

Rose delivery online

Rose delivery online is simple. Order a rose online, and we deliver it for you! Do you want to surprise a friend, family member or a colleague? Did your best friend move to another place, and is the new home too far away to bring flowers weekly? We have the best solution for you. World of Roses offers living rose plants that need to be planted in the … Continue reading Rose delivery online

Unusual 60th birthday gifts

Just when you thought you’ve seen it all, think again. At World of Roses, we have the most unusual 60th birthday gifts ever. Presents that you haven’t thought about. Wondering what kind of gifts we are talking about? Read on. 60th birthday gifts for men When you want to stand out with a gift on your best mate’s birthday, you have to come up with something unusual. … Continue reading Unusual 60th birthday gifts

70th birthday gifts

A 70th birthday is a very special one. By this time the special person will have received so many types of gift over the years, you may be struggling to think what to buy with some meaning. 70th birthday gifts are hard to find….or they were until now! Why send roses for the 70th birthday Roses are an special gift for birthdays, and for no reason. … Continue reading 70th birthday gifts