Happy birthday roses

What is the best birthday gift? Happy birthday roses are the perfect birthday present! Some birthdays have extra meanings, like turning 18, 30, 50 or 75. These birthdays are, most of the time, memorable itself. Gifts for these birthdays are mostly more significant than ‘normal’ birthdays and have extra meanings because of the particular age. But what to do with all those other ‘normal’ birthdays. You want to make a good impression with your gift. Want to find out the best birthday present ideas? We have the ideal gifting idea right here. 

Best birthday ideas

Sending someone a bouquet, or a gift card for their favourite shop is functional but isn’t creative. So, how do you come up with an original idea, that makes someone’s heart beat faster? The gift should contain four basic principles:

  1. It has to be personal!
  2. You should have bought it yourself
  3. It has to be gift wrapped
  4. Add a card with your personal message

Send roses for birthdays

The birthday roses from World of Roses aren’t just a bouquet of cut roses. Our beloved roses are living plants that you need to plant in the ground. You give someone the opportunity to grow a beautiful rose bush in their garden or balcony. Is your sister turning 28 and you want to send her a cute birthday present? Choose a Happy birthday rose – pink if her favourite colour is pink. This happy birthday rose is selected for pink-lovers. Big change, your sister will love this one. 

Order happy birthday roses

If you order a happy birthday rose from the selection on World of Roses.com, you choose whether you want a potted rose or a bare-root rose. If you order a potted rose, you have to dig a hole that’s big enough to fit the roots included the soil. If you choose a bare-root rose, you have to plant the rose in a hole deep enough to cover the point of the rose where the stem begins.

Happy about the happy birthday rose?

Is the recipient happy with the beautiful rose? We would love to hear about your experience. You can get the rose delivered to your home and present it yourself, or get the rose delivered directly to your birthday girl or boy. Choose the day you want it delivered, add gift wrapping and your personal message. Every year you can watch this gift grow bigger and bolder.

What a fabulous gift idea! Take a look at our full birthday range here. If you are feeling inspired and want a rose to gift why not browse our full range for inspiration.

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