Roses by post

Have you ever thought of sending roses by post? Probably not. Here at World of Roses, we send the most beautiful roses and deliver the roses securely packed to your doorstep. Choose from the many varieties available on our website. For every possible occasion, we have a unique rose. For anniversary celebrations, birthdays, memorial days, Father’s Day and other events, you can buy a floral rose at World of Roses. Select an occasion and choose your favourite colour. The flowers arrive securely packed and are ready to be planted. 

Potted roses by post

At World of Roses, you can order potted roses that are arrive planted in soil and potted in a container. When the delivery arrives with your potted rose, you can immediately plant the rose in the garden. Before you plant the potted roses, think of these basic rules:

Roses adore a spot with much sunlight.

Plant roses in well-drained soil.

Prepare the ground with fertilisers. 

Mix organic compost with the soil and plant the potted rose in the ground. 

Water regularly after planting. 

Bare root roses by post

We also deliver bare root roses. Bare root roses are provided without any soil around the roots. Bare rooted roses are very convenient since there is no soil to contend with. Bare root roses can be planted earlier in the growing season since there are no leaves that can freeze from the frost. Our bare root roses are packed in a way that the roots will always stay moist. For more information about how to plant bare-root roses, we refer you to go to the particular page about the rose and read the instructions.

How to plant bare root roses

Plant bare-rooted at just the right time, and you will enjoy a grown rose bush within the same year. Bare rooted roses travel well and remain fresh during transit. 

When you receive the rose, it’s essential to remove the rose out of the package and soak the roots in water for 24 hours before planting. Plant the rose within a week and water regularly after planting.

Deliver roses by post

The wide choice of roses and options for delivery make it easy to order on our website. Roses from World of Roses are an extraordinary birthday present for friends, family, and loved ones. From the order to the delivery, we make sure your rose arrives just the way you expected.

We also offer gift wrapped roses for special occasions like birthday, anniversaries, or memorials. Order roses at World of Roses and we can ship your rose to anywhere in the UK.

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